Netlogic leadership directs and ensures corporate oversight for successful program execution. Program and project managers have direct access to internal resources and leadership. Our experienced and customer-focused staff are matched to the projects needs. Staff training and development is fully supported. Finally, our ISO and CMMI-certified quality management system supports and drives our projects.
Netlogic leverages over 23 years of tech industry experience to bring innovative solutions. We help you stay competitive with products and services tailored to your IT goals.

Data Management Services
Your Data. Managed the Way You Want.
Your business and customer data processing needs are as distinctive as your organization. Netlogic works with you to understand your needs, concerns, resources, and restrictions. We use that understanding to match your needs to the best possible solutions.
We bring creative solutions to help you with:
- Modernizing and updating data infrastructures
- Cleansing data and enhancing data quality and consistency
- Replicating and migrating databases
- Developing custom solutions for data analytics, statistics, and business intelligence needs
- Planning and implementing solutions for data maintenance and recovery

Cloud Services
Nimbly respond to evolving business needs with powerful cloud services.
Managed cloud services enable you to leverage your IT investments with greater value, choice, and confidence. Deploy faster, increase availability and system performance, and reduce business risk. Easily scale up or down to respond to changing business and market requirements. Gain faster access to innovation and a better return on your investment.
We help you take advantage of the platform-as-a-service to support core business needs. Netlogic assists in designing, building, and delivering custom, cloud-based services. Every step of the way, we work with you to tailor solutions to fit your needs:
- Identifying, implementing, and managing cloud services that solve your business needs
- Migrating and updating systems to and between cloud services
- Deploying cloud computing services for data processing, access, and management
- Integrating multiple cloud services to create custom applications
- Ensuring all cloud systems are seamlessly working and communicating together

Software and Systems Engineering
Lower your development costs. Get your services to market faster.
Custom applications can give your organization a powerful competitive advantage. But designing specialized software in-house can be time-intensive and costly. At Netlogic, developing custom enterprise applications is our core competency. We have the expertise to help you design, build, and deploy your desktop, web, or mobile application.
Our passionate developers combine deep, back-end expertise with modern, UX design practices. We work with you and your team to understand your needs and requirements. It’s important to us that you get the solutions that best fit your business needs.
We bring together current best practices and technologies to help you with:
- Create custom applications for desktop, web, and mobile platforms
- Design, build, and support systems based on service-oriented architecture (SOA) methods
- Update legacy systems to modern technologies and user experience
- Support, sustain, and enhance existing systems' design and performance
- Integrate and deploy systems that work together seamlessly

Quality Assurance and Quality Control Services
Ensure your systems are made right, work right, and get the job done.
“With new systems come new problems” -Edward A. Murphy
Technology is complex. Making sure your services and data work for your users and work well is too. You want to eliminate errors and downtime. Services need to run efficiently. Your users need a seamless and accessible experience. In short, things need to work.
Netlogic’s adaptable experts work with your teams to make your systems streamlined, compliant, and efficient. Our knowledgeable analysts review systems for inefficiencies, performance, and accessibility issues. We use industry-standard and certified methodologies to help you with:
- Systems and software quality assurance
- System load and performance testing
- Independent verification and validation
- Section 508 testing
- Configuration management
- Release management

Netlogic is proud to announce receiving a PRIME GSA 8(a) STARS III GWAC contract award.

GSA 8(a) STARS III Contract Number: 47QTCB21D0322
Program Manager: Raj Gantaram